Future Missions


Space Missions



Upcoming Missions


1. James Webb Space Telescope  - a large infrared-optimized space telescope which will be able to find the first galaxies that formed in the early universe.  To be launched on October 31, 2021.

2. Thirty Meter Telescope - a ground-based observatory to be located at Mauna Kea in Hawaii will be the most capable and advanced telescope ever built.

3. L.ISA - Laser Interferometer Space Antenna - this mission will attempt to better understand the fundamental physical laws of the universe.  LISA is a European Space Agency led mission with NASA a major collaborator  To be launched in the early 2030's. 

4. Euclid Mission - a European Space Agency mission to launch a 1.2 meter telescope into space which will orbit Earth at the second Sun-Earth Lagrange point.  The purpose of the mission is to provide insight into the nature of dark energy and dark matter by accurate measurement of the accelerated expansion of the universe through different independent methods.  To be launched in 2020. 

5. Europa Clipper Mission - this is a concept under study by NASA that would conduct detailed reconnaissance of Jupiter's moon Europa and would investigate whether the icy moon could harbor conditions for life.

6. Dragonfly Mission - a mission to Saturn's moon Titan to search for the building blocks of life on this distant moon.  To be launched in 2027.